我想宝是喜新厌旧的, 正如一切世人一样.
在大概五个月的时候在大人的协助下会打哇哇了, 开始打的很是兴高采烈, 还会打出变调了. 玩了大约两三周后就抛弃了, 之后怎样威逼利诱都不打了........
最喜爱的玩具玩上三五天后看都可以不看一眼, 放在他眼前要是碍了他的眼或事, 决不留情地把拉掉.............
上周自己发明了一个新游戏, 就是在我们的大床上, 嗖嗖地朝床边爬, 将半个身子探出来, 然后向前一拱一拱地蹭(这时他的眉毛都笑得开了花), 最后就掉下来了, 他爹接着他, 顺势来个前空翻, 刚玩的头两天, 一次又一次, 乐此不疲, 第三天, 热情已经不那么高涨, 第四天, 似乎已经不太喜欢了.............
这个, 可能, 会, 是, 遗传于我. 对任何东西只有三分钟的热情. 他爹可是可以打一个电游达10年之久的呀...
Monday, November 21, 2005
Saturday, November 19, 2005
某小朋友因种种原因到了晚上七点还在nap, 于是某妈妈极尽温柔之能事, 将他唤醒, 当然此小朋友很不愉快. 于是乎妈妈将其带入该小朋友最喜欢的浴室, 此时爸爸正在洗澡, 小朋友看到浴帘后绰绰的人影先吃了一惊, 待爸爸顶着满头的白沫从浴帘后伸出头时, 该小朋友已经惊恐万分, 两手紧紧抓着妈妈, 瘪嘴欲哭........ 几次皆如此, 一定是将一头白沫的爸爸当作怪物撩!
Friday, November 18, 2005
宝宝从生下来到现在, 我很脸红的说已经生3次病了.
第一次-全赖他爹, 从医院回到家第二周, 一上班就把感冒病毒带回家, 结果全家中招, 连宝宝也没能幸免. 那是宝宝真可怜呀, 一个小小的粉粉的人, 鼻子呼吃呼吃的, 本来就睡的超不过2小时, 这下就每几分钟就被鼻子堵醒了, 大哭, 十分的委屈. 我和他爹总是在半夜三更和号哭的宝宝通鼻子, 什么工具都用上了: 吸耳球, 棉签, 滴鼻液......, 各种姿势试过....., 爸妈还在深夜睡不着的时候研读育儿文章, 聆听他的呼吸方式-新生儿肺炎吧? 知识越多越反动呀, 真是饱受瞎担心的折磨呀.....最后还是从医生伯伯那得了个放心呢..............
第二次-刚过六个月几天, 宝低烧, 我这回本着沉着冷静的原则, 用我那点从bbs得来的养儿经验, 向全家宣布: 宝宝发牙了!! 结果烧了三天, 我终于不胜我爹妈的叨饶, 给诊所打了电话, 护士小姐一听说超过38度已经三天, 命令我们立刻来见医生, 结果查了细菌没有, 就两手空空的回来了, 周末和宝宝战斗了两天, 星期一退烧, 疹子就发出来了, 我这个赤脚医生又闪亮登场, 宣布是玫瑰疹. 宝宝病好后, 立刻恢复了正常的作息, 免去了整风运动, 并收获了两颗小牙.
第三次-去系里的halloween party转了半小时, 被无数人传抱, 第二天又被某狗rudy 和妞妞舔了无数次, 于是在万圣节的前一天开始咳嗽, 接下来就开始流鼻涕, 打喷嚏.........., 小脸皴了和....一样呢..., 又折腾了我们一周, 并且让姥姥, 爸爸中招....., 不过其中学会了爬呢:)
第一次-全赖他爹, 从医院回到家第二周, 一上班就把感冒病毒带回家, 结果全家中招, 连宝宝也没能幸免. 那是宝宝真可怜呀, 一个小小的粉粉的人, 鼻子呼吃呼吃的, 本来就睡的超不过2小时, 这下就每几分钟就被鼻子堵醒了, 大哭, 十分的委屈. 我和他爹总是在半夜三更和号哭的宝宝通鼻子, 什么工具都用上了: 吸耳球, 棉签, 滴鼻液......, 各种姿势试过....., 爸妈还在深夜睡不着的时候研读育儿文章, 聆听他的呼吸方式-新生儿肺炎吧? 知识越多越反动呀, 真是饱受瞎担心的折磨呀.....最后还是从医生伯伯那得了个放心呢..............
第二次-刚过六个月几天, 宝低烧, 我这回本着沉着冷静的原则, 用我那点从bbs得来的养儿经验, 向全家宣布: 宝宝发牙了!! 结果烧了三天, 我终于不胜我爹妈的叨饶, 给诊所打了电话, 护士小姐一听说超过38度已经三天, 命令我们立刻来见医生, 结果查了细菌没有, 就两手空空的回来了, 周末和宝宝战斗了两天, 星期一退烧, 疹子就发出来了, 我这个赤脚医生又闪亮登场, 宣布是玫瑰疹. 宝宝病好后, 立刻恢复了正常的作息, 免去了整风运动, 并收获了两颗小牙.
第三次-去系里的halloween party转了半小时, 被无数人传抱, 第二天又被某狗rudy 和妞妞舔了无数次, 于是在万圣节的前一天开始咳嗽, 接下来就开始流鼻涕, 打喷嚏.........., 小脸皴了和....一样呢..., 又折腾了我们一周, 并且让姥姥, 爸爸中招....., 不过其中学会了爬呢:)
Thursday, November 17, 2005
finally start blog for my baby son-doudou (Yizhou, Alex)
One day, my friend Moyun (Zhongzhong's mom) askes me when doudou started to sit up by himself on msn, my answer is 4 month. One second after the answer came out, I realized that I was already not be able to remember lots of milestones of his growing, then not to mention tons of important and funny details. I feel like it is a shame on me to use all kinds of execuse not to record my precious son's steps to grow up as a man.
Now here I am. Finally, I start a blog for my son and myself. Hopefully, here is someplace where I can always follow my son's step and my heart, hence I can grow up to be a better mom.
The followings are just major things happening in doudou's life in the past several months.
Around he turned to 100 days, he started to roll over from back to tummy, and after about 2 weeks, he could roll from tummy to back.
Around 1 week after he turned to 6 months, he was capable to sit up by himself a little bit; then we took him to his first playground trip on Sep 18, 2005 (sigh, I have to look at the date on the picture), and suddenly he could sit by himself in the sandbox. Was this coming from peer presure or was just because of the texture (?) of sandbox?
He began to crawl a little bit several days before 8 months old. Then mom had to travel to TN for several days. On the way back to home (Daddy came to pick up mom), I was told he crawlled everywhere in the house. The favorite place was underneath the coffee table. His crawling is so funny now, and the whole family enjoy it a lot. 典型的pufu前进, 胳膊肘将身体略撑起一些, 两腿同时向前上方一绻, 小pp一撅, 就超前一拱. 一旦确定前方目标, 能拱(爬?)的很快的.
就在最近的一周, 学会了好几样新玩意儿, 先学会点头, 第二天学会挥手再见, 第三天就学会了拍手, 哈哈, 然后休息了两天, 昨天居然会做恭喜了呀........., it is so amazing to watch his growing!!
语言: 好想能偶尔的有意识的叫bababa........, 妈妈还是不会, 这几天开始发些新的音, 象dadada..........., nanananan........, 等等.......
这两天好象会自己打哇哇, 但手还不能全抬起来, 自己还是打得很兴高采烈.
Now here I am. Finally, I start a blog for my son and myself. Hopefully, here is someplace where I can always follow my son's step and my heart, hence I can grow up to be a better mom.
The followings are just major things happening in doudou's life in the past several months.
Around he turned to 100 days, he started to roll over from back to tummy, and after about 2 weeks, he could roll from tummy to back.
Around 1 week after he turned to 6 months, he was capable to sit up by himself a little bit; then we took him to his first playground trip on Sep 18, 2005 (sigh, I have to look at the date on the picture), and suddenly he could sit by himself in the sandbox. Was this coming from peer presure or was just because of the texture (?) of sandbox?
He began to crawl a little bit several days before 8 months old. Then mom had to travel to TN for several days. On the way back to home (Daddy came to pick up mom), I was told he crawlled everywhere in the house. The favorite place was underneath the coffee table. His crawling is so funny now, and the whole family enjoy it a lot. 典型的pufu前进, 胳膊肘将身体略撑起一些, 两腿同时向前上方一绻, 小pp一撅, 就超前一拱. 一旦确定前方目标, 能拱(爬?)的很快的.
就在最近的一周, 学会了好几样新玩意儿, 先学会点头, 第二天学会挥手再见, 第三天就学会了拍手, 哈哈, 然后休息了两天, 昨天居然会做恭喜了呀........., it is so amazing to watch his growing!!
语言: 好想能偶尔的有意识的叫bababa........, 妈妈还是不会, 这几天开始发些新的音, 象dadada..........., nanananan........, 等等.......
这两天好象会自己打哇哇, 但手还不能全抬起来, 自己还是打得很兴高采烈.
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