Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Alex writing - 6 rewrite "My Baby Brother"

My Baby Brother - rewriting

My baby brother's name is Devin.  He is 3 years old.  Devin is a student in Preppie I at PPP school.  His friends in Preppie I are Kathryn, Alan, Ryan, and Spoorty.   On weekend, he spent most of the time outside playing.

Devin is very athletic.  He plays basketball.  He can bounce the ball for 5 minutes and probably shoot 9 out of 10. (That's pretty good for a 3-year old).  He also plays soccer.  He can dribble the ball well and is top3 is his soccer league.  He plays baseball.  He can his it off the T-stand easily and can probably get 8 out 10 in soft toss!  In the playground, he can climb all the way up of the 2 1/2 meet net!

My baby brother is smart.  He knows his colors, shapes, letters and numbers!  Right now he is learning phonics.  If we didn't help him, he could have done his 4-6 year workbook alone.

But sometimes, he is naughty.  He always disturbs me on purpose, especially in the car.  He also is naughty by walking up the slide.  He always does that.  One time he even got a cast form walking up the slide.  He can be naughty by not sharing with his best friend Kathryn.  When she has something, Devin says; "Share"!  When he has it and his best friend want it, he says "Mine!"

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Alex writing -5

Big Bang - Fact

The Big Bang was created out of nothing.  How?  The Big Bang is one of the greatest mystery in science.  In the dawn of time the Big Bang changes nothing to everything.  It was just a small ball of (just?) raging energy.  It had everything in it.  After that the universe started expanding.  It was expanding so fast that it was faster than light.  We need a new unit for that, don't we? It's called planktime.

The Universe was just a huge expanding ball of hot energy.  It continues to expand.  It's really hot, trillions of degrees.  Then it cooled down, then the energy changed to tiny subatomic particles.  It's the first matter.  To understand that, E=MC2,  While our universe was forming, it transformed energy to matter.  The first subatomic matter was too unstable to create the universe.  Gradually, they slowed down and become more stable.

You may think energy is great.  But it created antimatter.  Yes, antimatter, the opposite of matter.  Equal amount of antimatter and matter cancel each other out.  Not good, an universe with equal amounts of matter and antimatter is equal to an universe without matter at all.  But antimatter loses.

The universe is still extremely hot and expanding itself.  The particles in it were very different than the particles now.  There were not atoms yet.  Now all that stuff is cooling down and going slower.  They start bonding together.  The first element the made is hydrogen.

Then after 3 minutes, Helium and lithium form.  But you couldn't see it.  The universe was very cloudy.  The Universe had to cool down for the elements to stick to new atoms. It took 380,000 years to do that.

NASA launches Cosmic Background Satellite but the pictures were fuzzy.  So they launched another one.  It gave us the most detailed picture of young universe ever seen.

After 1 billions years, the first galaxy forms.   

Alex writing 4


Stars are balls of hot gases.  These gases are hydrogen and helium.  Stars are HUGE.  The sun is a star.  It can fit 1 million Earths in it.  Atakareno is 100 billion times larger than the sun.  Betelguase is 1,000 billion times larger than the sun.  Uycnus-Majou is 1,000,000 billion times bigger than the sun.  Stars are different colors.  Blue is the hottest and brightest, yellow, second, red, third.  Stars start as a cloud of dust called a Nebula.  The gas inside swirls around.  Can you guess what force makes the gas move?  Guess! Guess! The force is gravity.

After a million years, all the gases form into a round ball .  It is a brand new star.  After several millions years, the star change from blue to yellow; after billions of years it changes from yellow to red.  The the star dies.  It may change to a white dwarf, supernova, hypernova, or a pulsar.  What are those?  We're just about to find out.  A white dwarf is a small ball of ice.  It is about the size of Earth.  The sun will become a white dwarf.  The comes supernova. It's when a giant star dies out.  It creates a huge explosion and forms another nebula.  A hypernova is when a humongous star dies and sets off Gamma Rays.  It creates a black hole.  A pulsar is created form the tiniest stars in the universe.  They send radio waves back and forth.  Why do stars dye? Well. stars die because they run on fuel just like fire.  Its fuel type is nuclear energy.  It smashes hydrogen atoms against hydrogen atoms it creates helium and released energy. 

Alex writting 3

A season without baseball

This is my first time missing baseball season.  Every time my mom asked me if I wanted to play again, I always said no because I haven't played in a long time.  So I thought I was going to be bad at it.  But when I went to my friend's house and played baseball in his backyard, I was better at batting than him.  Then I felt more confident.  My mom signed me up for the Tincaps in OCEE park.  I notices that I was one of the Top 3 in my team.  I can' wait for first game.

Alex - writing 2

My first School Week

My first school week was great!  Our new teach is Ms. Taylor.  She used to be teacher in 3rd grade.  Everyday she teaches us math strategies.  Before she shows us something new she shows us an example.  My first week we talked about bus safety.  She gives us a sheet ans she asks why you shouldn't do something.  That is a lot of fun to me.  In math, we got to make our own flash cards and ask a partner to work with his or her flash cards.  I don't know how the specials are, but I only have gone to PE and music so far.  In lunch you have to wait for everybody to come then you can sit down and eat.  After recess we work on writing personal narratives.  After that we work on incomplete work.  Then it is time for dismissal.  This year you have to go to different classed and dismiss.  That way we can all go at the same time.  That is my first week of school.    

Alex- writing 1

My Baby Broth- July 23, 2012

My baby brother is 3 years old.  He is very cute.  He always doesn't like to eat.  He always says I want seven because his name is Devin. He makes our house very messy because he throws toys around and I am very tired.  He hates to take nap so I have to take care of him on Saturday.  I usually go to playdates on Sunday.  He is awesome. My moms sent him to PPP daycare when he was 2.  He was in Toddler 2 at that time.  Now he is Preppie 1.  He loves birthday parties because there are candles.  His favorite TV show is "Wonder Pet"; it use to be "Curious George".  We want him sleep by himself because he is 3, but he cries in the dark.  We just came back from China and during the trip we had skype and my brother was like I want to go there, I want to go there.  I love my brother even though sometimes he is naughty. 




