Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Alex writing -5

Big Bang - Fact

The Big Bang was created out of nothing.  How?  The Big Bang is one of the greatest mystery in science.  In the dawn of time the Big Bang changes nothing to everything.  It was just a small ball of (just?) raging energy.  It had everything in it.  After that the universe started expanding.  It was expanding so fast that it was faster than light.  We need a new unit for that, don't we? It's called planktime.

The Universe was just a huge expanding ball of hot energy.  It continues to expand.  It's really hot, trillions of degrees.  Then it cooled down, then the energy changed to tiny subatomic particles.  It's the first matter.  To understand that, E=MC2,  While our universe was forming, it transformed energy to matter.  The first subatomic matter was too unstable to create the universe.  Gradually, they slowed down and become more stable.

You may think energy is great.  But it created antimatter.  Yes, antimatter, the opposite of matter.  Equal amount of antimatter and matter cancel each other out.  Not good, an universe with equal amounts of matter and antimatter is equal to an universe without matter at all.  But antimatter loses.

The universe is still extremely hot and expanding itself.  The particles in it were very different than the particles now.  There were not atoms yet.  Now all that stuff is cooling down and going slower.  They start bonding together.  The first element the made is hydrogen.

Then after 3 minutes, Helium and lithium form.  But you couldn't see it.  The universe was very cloudy.  The Universe had to cool down for the elements to stick to new atoms. It took 380,000 years to do that.

NASA launches Cosmic Background Satellite but the pictures were fuzzy.  So they launched another one.  It gave us the most detailed picture of young universe ever seen.

After 1 billions years, the first galaxy forms.   

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